If you are searching for the latest Mahi name tattoo design images you are at the right place, we are going to share with best name tattoo design which is stunning, elegant, and simple. you can ink this art on your hand wrist and any part of the body in different sizes and colors.
If you want to make changes in this body art design you can easily add colors, elements, and font as per your choice.
1. Mahi Name With Infinity Tattoo For Hand
- 1 1. Mahi Name With Infinity Tattoo For Hand
- 2 2. Arrow With M name Art On The Wrist
- 3 3. Heartbeat With Mahi Name Body Art
- 4 4. Music Tattoo With M Name Style
- 5 5. Mahi Name With Flower Tattoo Design
- 6 6. Butterfly Art With Name In Bold Letter
- 7 7. Star With Mahi Name Art
- 8 8. Flying Bird With M Name Body Art
- 9 FAQs
In this design, you can see there is a small infinity sign on the top right with a name that represents the life and struggle to become successful.
2. Arrow With M name Art On The Wrist
The red color arrow below the name looks very simple and attractive, you can also customize this arrow by adding color or elements.
3. Heartbeat With Mahi Name Body Art
Heartbeat with Mahi name tattoo design looks very stylish and elegant, which represents the bonding, trust, and relation between two partners. You can ink this art on your chest, wrist, and shoulder.
4. Music Tattoo With M Name Style
This tattoo design is creative and perfect for girl’s wrists and necks, which signifies the importance of music in life.
5. Mahi Name With Flower Tattoo Design
you can see in this art there is a flower with Mahi’s name looks very beautiful and stunning, girls can ink this art on their neck, wrist, and shoulder.
6. Butterfly Art With Name In Bold Letter
In this body art, you can see a butterfly on the top of the name which is simple and perfect for a girl’s neck, you can also change the color of the butterfly to make it more attractive.
7. Star With Mahi Name Art
For boys who want to ink their girlfriend’s name on the writs or chest, this tattoo design will be best for you.
8. Flying Bird With M Name Body Art
Flying Hummingbird in red color with Mahi name in a cursive font look unique and catchy, you can also customize the design as per your requirements.
What Is The Meaning Of Mahi?
Mahi is a Hindi and Urdu word that means lover.
What Is The Price Of This Tattoo Design?
In India, it will cost you approx Rs.4500 for a simple design.