The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF by Stephen Covey

Hello Friends, If you are looking for The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF then you have come to the right place. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF ebook is available in this article. If you want to change your bad habits and want a disciplined life then this is a must read book for you.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is written by Stephen R Covey. The book was first published in 1989. It is a bestseller book and selling over millions of copies since the book is released. The book has also listed in the New York Times best seller list.

About the author- Stephen R. Covey was an American Author, Businessman and a Educator. He was born and brought up in America. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the best written book in his life.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF Overview


Name The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author Stephen R Covey
Released date January 1st, 1989
Genre Self Help
Language English
Pages 372
Format PDF
Size 12 MB

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF Summary

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People embody many of the fundamental principles
of human effectiveness. These habits are basic; they are primary. They represent the
internalization of correct principles upon which enduring happiness and success are

But before we can really understand these Seven Habits TM, we need to understand our
own “paradigms” and how to make a “A Paradigm Shift TM.”
Both the The Character Ethic The Personality Ethic are examples of social paradigms. The
word paradigm comes from the Greek. It was originally a scientific term, and is more
commonly used today to mean a model, theory, perception, assumption, or frame of
reference. In the more general sense, it’s the way we “see” the world — not in terms of our
visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, and interpreting.
For our purposes, a simple way to understand paradigms is to see them as maps. We all
know that “the map is not the territory.” A map is simply an explanation of certain
aspects of the territory. That’s exactly what a paradigm is. It is a theory, an explanation,
or model of something else.

Suppose you wanted to arrive at a specific location in central Chicago. A street map of the
city would be a great help to you in reaching your destination. But suppose you were
given the wrong map. Through a printing error, the map labeled “Chicago” was actually a
map of Detroit. Can you imagine the frustration, the ineffectiveness of trying to reach
your destination?

You might work on your behavior — you could try harder, being more diligent, doubling
your speed. But your efforts would only succeed in getting you to the wrong place faster.
You might work on your attitude — you could think more positively. You still wouldn’t
get to the right place, but perhaps you wouldn’t care. Your attitude would be so positive,
you’d be happy wherever you were. The point is, you’d still be lost. The fundamental
problem has nothing to do with your behavior or your attitude. It has everything to do
with having a wrong map.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF Download

The PDF Download link of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is given below go and download the book.

Conclusion : In this article we provide the download link of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People PDF. We hope that you have successfully downloaded the PDF. If you want to bring good habits then this is the must read book for you. IF you have any queries related any questions then comment below.

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We respect all the authors behind this book. Contact us if have any queries.

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