Project Based Industrial Training-(One Semester Training in Industry)-FORMAT OF REPORT

If you are in any technical field or you are doing engineering or medical or doing any professional course or internship or any technology course then you need to complete your course Simultaneously, you have to prepare your industrial training progress report and project file and PPT. You have a way to prepare it, which I am telling all of you, you will follow this and prepare your project report file. Along with preparing your project report file, you will also create a power point presentation slide of your project report file which will show your teachers and give them the operation on which you have prepared the project as we all Should understand industrial training means that you are training, which you are getting ready to work in the industry, you have to understand the modalities of the industry, how are you working in industrial training, who in the industry- Which is happening And you are also participating in training, you will understand it well and use it in future and you are also going to join your job in it and you are going to work in it and it is very important to prepare your report and project report. Happens because you don’t have your project, we’re telling you.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 

B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) Semester-7/8

PRJ-451 Project Based Industrial Training – (One Semester Training in Industry)


Given below is an outline for writing the report of industrial training.


  1. Title page

A sample of the title page is attached at the end of this document.

  1. Certificate by company/ institute

Certificate of completion of training must be duly signed and issued by the concerned company/ institute.

  • Declaration by student

A sample of the declaration is attached at the end of this document. The declaration must be duly signed by the student.

  1. Acknowledgement

  2. Abstract (150-200 words)

Provide a brief summary of the report.

  1. Table of contents

Give a well formatted table of contents including headings and page numbers.                        

  1. About the company/institute (1-2 pages)

  2. About the technology

  3. About the project

Students may describe the requirements of the system/product developed, objectives and scope, feasibility analysis, project plan, design, development steps, testing etc. with the help of diagrams.

  1. Screenshots

  2. References


Page size: Standard A4 size


Top: 1 inch

Bottom: 1 inch

Left: 1 inch

Right: 1 inch

Page numbers: Bottom – centered – (1, 2, 3…) – Times New Roman 12 pt.


Heading: Times New Roman (TNR), 14 pt. Bold All Caps

Sub-heading: TNR 12 pt. Bold, All Caps

Body Text: TNR 12 pt.

Line spacing: 1.5


Tables and Figures should be inserted in the text near where they are first mentioned. Each figure or table must be numbered and have a caption. Captions are placed below figures and pictures and above tables. All equations should be typed in equation editor and should be properly numbered.



Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

award of the degree of





Undertaken at:

Company/Institute Name


Submitted by:

Student Name

Roll No.: ########

Regd. No.: ########


University/College Logo




Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University/College Name

May, 202X


I, NAME OF STUDENT, hereby affirm that the project report titled “TITLE OF REPORT”, submitted to University/College Name in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) is  an authentic record of my own work and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no written material which has been accepted for the qualification of any other degree or diploma of a university or other institution of higher learning except where due acknowledge is made.


Signature of student:_____________

Name of student:________________

Roll no: _______________________

Regd. No.: _____________________


