Many employees face issues while their salaries due. Find out from your colleagues if there is any issue related to funds. If you have not received the salary for one or more months, you may also have to seek the advice of HR Manager and draft a letter to him regarding your salary dues. He should be aware of your pending salary and trace the reasons for the dues. He can offer you assistance and settle the dues.

Here is how to write letter for due salary.


Letter for due salary

Do you know how to draft letter for due salary. Here is a sample… Follow the example mentioned below while you have to draft the letter.


HR Manager

Company name


Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Subject: Letter for due salary


I have to inform with regrets that my salary is due for the past two months. Though I have completed all the tasks allotted to me before deadline, my salary is pending. I have also sent earlier mail in this regard but the dues are not cleared. Kindly clear my pending dues at the earliest and oblige. Awaiting your favorable response…

Thanking You,


Name of the employee


Salary request letter after resignation

Here is how to write a salary request letter after resignation.

Date: dd/mm/yyyy


HR Manager

Organization name


Subject: Request letter for salary dues


I have been an employee of (company name) since 5 years. My employee code is ME 1234. I have not received salary for the last 2 months of my service even after resignation. I resigned from the role of Marketing Executive from your organization on February 28, 2018. I was assured by the HR- assistant that my pending dues would be cleared a week after my resignation. Though I have called for enquiry several times, I did not receive a favorable reply. Kindly consider clearing my pending dues and issue the salary at the earliest.

Thanking You,


Name of the applicant



Salary not received complaint

Your salary is pending and you are not aware what to do? Here is how to draft a complaint letter for due salary. You can directly address your complaint to the manager, inform him about pending salary and clear your dues.

Here is how to draft a complaint on due salary.

Date: dd/mm/yyyy



Name of company

Company address

Subject: Complaint for pending salary


Your name


Company address


I would like to state that I have not received my salary for the months of January and February, 2018. I have informed the HR-executives about the pending salary but not received any confirmation regarding the same. I am surprised that many of my colleagues have received their salary and my dues are not cleared. During my tenure of 5 years, I have always focused on delivering work correctly before deadlines. Kindly, present this matter to the HR department and settle it. Please clear my dues at the earliest. Awaiting your kind response…

Thanking You,


Name of the employee


There may be genuine reasons why your salary is pending. It is important to inform your boss or manager and get your dues cleared. Remain informed about the reasons in your office causing delay of salary. Also enquire about your dues with the HR assistants and send them reminder emails.

Now you know to draft good complaint letters on pending salary. If you do not inform them through letter for due salary, they will remain oblivious about your dues.

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